To unite, promote and give tools to local and international tour operators to put Tanzania on the World map as the best-nature based tourist destination.
TATO was established in 1983 to foster the interests of licensed tour operators. These interests include carrying out lobbying and advocacy for and on behalf of its members as well as to to coordinate public and private sector partnership.
TATO undertakes and publishes research in concerns within the tourism industry and operations. Additionally, disseminating this information to its members and relevant institutions.
TATO offers trainings as well as workshops to its members along with TATO employees.
TATOs’ objective is to provide an effective business environment and to promote private sector’s regional and global competitiveness within tourism trade and investment.
TATO provides a national platform through which the tour operators can present their concerns at the national policy level, with the overall aim of creating a more conducive business environment through targeted policy reforms.
To become a vibrant and reliable association that fully meets the needs of its members. The satisfaction of our members is our first priority; thus, we always try to create a suitable beneficial environment for all our members.
To promote and facilitate members to provide marketable tourist services within the local and international market.
To act as a link between its members, the government and its institutions with the aim to promote tourism in Tanzania.
To assist members in all technical matters pertaining tourism both at a national and an international level.
To promote tour operators ability to interact with the community at large and protect the interests of individual tourists.
To undertake feasibility study, research, appraisal, managing and executing programs and projects for the economic and community development in areas where tourism activities are carried out or in remote areas in Tanzania.