TATO Rolls Out Safari Guides Code of Conduct to Foster Responsible Tourism

Tanzania Tour operators have unveiled a new safari guide code of conduct and ethics designed to elevate professional standards in the rapidly growing tourism industry.
Developed by the Tanzania Association of Tour Operators (TATO), this document serves as a key reference for promoting responsible and sustainable tourism.
Launched in Arusha on October 14, 2024, TATO Vice-Chairman Mr. Henry Kimambo described the document as a comprehensive set of principles to guide safari guides and tourists in fulfilling professional requirements.
“For the document to be effective, we expect all parties—state-run conservation agencies like Tanzania National Parks (TANAPA), Ngorongoro Conservation Area Authority (NCAA), Tanzania Wildlife Management Authority (TAWA), the travel industry, communities, and tourists—to embrace it,” Mr. Kimambo told stakeholders gathered at Gran Melia Hotel for the commemoration of Mwalimu Julius Nyerere Day.
The code of conduct aims to maximize the benefits of the multi-billion-dollar industry while minimizing its potential negative impacts on Tanzania’s environment, cultural heritage, and communities.
TATO Chairman Mr. Wilbard Chambulo praised the Association’s conservation sub-committee for crafting the Safari Guide Code of Conduct and Ethics.
“This initiative will elevate safari guiding standards across Tanzania and strengthen our commitment to sustainable tourism and heritage preservation,” he remarked, urging all tour operators to adopt the code and ensure their guides comply with its standards.
Code of conduct: https://www.tatotz.org/promoting-excellence-in-safari-guiding-tatos-new-code-of-conduct-and-ethics/
Read more here: https://www.tatotz.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/10/TATO-Rolls-Out-Safari-Guides-Code-of-Conduct-to-Foster-Responsible-Tourism.docx